The cash desk in treasury is the centralized location or system where all cash-related operations are managed, including the handling of cash inflows and outflows. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the organization’s liquidity and financial stability.
The cash desk in treasury management is vital for overseeing cash deposits and withdrawals, ensuring accurate financial records, and maintaining liquidity. By integrating these operations with an ERP system, organizations can enhance their cash management capabilities, streamline processes, and improve financial oversight.
How to make a cash desk operation
STEP 1 Click on Treasury
STEP 4 Fill the form bellow to create a new cash desk.
STEP 3 Click on Save
- Note
The Cash Desk helps the cashier to receive payments, give out returns and payments base on the balance of the cashier.
When Creating a cash desk;
The Code represents a particular created cash desk. This code cannot be used more than one time. The User is who you want to a assign the cash desk to. For Example, you can assign it to Cashier one. (only one casher per cash desk). The currency stands for the type of currency you want to use for operations. It can be CFA or USD or Euros. Is Cashier Open ? (for some Enterprises). This is an optional function that can be used on demand by some enterprises, these helps them to create, open and close a cash desk depending on your on your business needs.
Is a Main casher ? (for some Enterprises). This option helps an enterprise to tell the system the type of user the cash desk will be assigned to. If the user is the main cashier, you select Yes but if its a standard cashier in a branch. you select No.
Here, you will find documentation on how to set up sale invoices.
Cash Desk Operation
Here, you will find documentation on how to set up cash desk operation.
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Bank Account
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Bank Account Operation
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